Friday, May 16, 2008

The keys to the city

On a ceremony on Wednesday yours truly and other fellow veterans were recognized by the Miami Beach City Commission. An initiative of Hon. Comissioner Libbin, is a token of appreciation from the City of Miami Beach to its veterans. An effort that should be emulated across the nation.

Friday, May 09, 2008

So you want to be an entrepreneur

Here I am. It is me against the paperwork. Getting registered and applying for Small Business certifications (namely 8a certification and Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business) There is a long road ahead, but hopefully I will be able to document it others can benefit.

For starters - to learn almost everything there is to know about 8a you need to read Section 13 of the Code of Federal Regulations (13 CFR) which is available at the SBA

Another area that you might want to brush up on a couple of Small Business Administration's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) I will post later which are relevant when starting your own business among other tips.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Back in the saddle

Well, it is official! For the last couple of weeks I have been offline working hard at contributing to the establishment of a new small business. It should be launched by mid-summer. I am excited at the possibilities and the projects that might come along.

I have used just about every minute of business school in the last couple of days, I am exhausted and happy at the same time. We have ordered our business cards and should have out website up and running at the end of the month. Stay tuned!