Monday, March 31, 2008

What a week

It has been some time since my last post, is not a moment for excuses. Rather a moment for reflection. The mother of a good friend of mine passed away last week and the Governor of Puerto Rico was charged with 19 counts in Federal court. For my friend I wish the best and pray that God will give her strenght and wisdom in her moment of need.

I ask for strenght for Puerto Rico and everyone involved in this sad chapter of our history. As to the political and social ramifications, that would be topic for another day.


Adal said...

The 64 thousand little chavos question: Why Anibal y no Rossello?

Adal said...

Ya te linqueé al Jelou Mai Pipol.

Darwin Rivera said...

Porque Rossello tiene con que pagar abogados y Anibal no... Ademas los federales no pueden dejar de pasar la oportunidad de recordarnos que a 22 lustros despues todavia somos una colonia

Darwin Rivera said...

Gracias por el link abuelito...:-)